Widebody Driving
Customization / Desktop Screenshots / Windows
Widebody Driving
In essence this shot is cos CP asked to give the Naked skin a spin without the the "Training Wheels" (Transparency) on.....so here she is, Naked in all of her glory, it came out quite nice I would say, the wall matches, none of the widgets or apps have transparency applied.....so whats the consensus folks, have a earned the right to work without training wheels on, only for this skin mind you Ha Ha Ha I'd be lost without my transparency effects....
WB: Naked by vStyler
Rainlendar: Luculent Dark, Normal by Night Train
Objectdock Backgrounds: None used...Naked
Objectdock Icons: VS Levit 3G Dark by Dario Arnaez
Widgets: Naked Widget by Sir Bilbo; Simples CPU Dualcore History Meters; Blisterpack by RapidRobot
DesktopX Objects: VS Levit 3G Dark Robot Harddrive by Dario Arnaez
Winstep Extreme: Atmospherica by JC Rabbit
Nexus Backgrounds: None used....Naked
Nexus Icons: Mixture of OHMY Nitro & Atmospherica Icons
Wallpaper: Created by none other than that favorite artist of mine Dangeruss, whose work if you have never seen is magnificent, if you get half the chance go and have a looksee...he can be found here
WB: Naked by vStyler
Rainlendar: Luculent Dark, Normal by Night Train
Objectdock Backgrounds: None used...Naked
Objectdock Icons: VS Levit 3G Dark by Dario Arnaez
Widgets: Naked Widget by Sir Bilbo; Simples CPU Dualcore History Meters; Blisterpack by RapidRobot
DesktopX Objects: VS Levit 3G Dark Robot Harddrive by Dario Arnaez
Winstep Extreme: Atmospherica by JC Rabbit
Nexus Backgrounds: None used....Naked
Nexus Icons: Mixture of OHMY Nitro & Atmospherica Icons
Wallpaper: Created by none other than that favorite artist of mine Dangeruss, whose work if you have never seen is magnificent, if you get half the chance go and have a looksee...he can be found here
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